A quarter century and counting Devlin's AngleKeith DevlinJanuary 4, 2021MAA Online, MAA publications, MAA FOCUS, social media, internet viruses
An Unlikely Marriage of Mathematicians and Computers Devlin's AngleKeith DevlinJuly 1, 2020computers and mathematics, mathematics research, mathematics education, history of mathematics, Keith Devlin, MAA FOCUS
MAA Math Ambassadors in a Global Mathematics Community MAA LEADERS, COMMUNITYGuest UserApril 23, 2019Rachel Levy, MAA Ambassadors, MAA FOCUS, Panama, MAA sections
Echoes from the Past, Looking to the Future MAA LEADERS, TEACHING & LEARNINGGuest UserApril 8, 2019Michael Pearson, AMATYC, Algebra, Ellen Peters, IP Guide, Instructional Practices Guide, MAA FOCUS
Why the Admissions Scandal Matters to MAA INCLUSIVITY, MAA LEADERSJ M PearsonMarch 14, 2019Michael Pearson, MAA, college, college admission, IP Guide, inclusivity, MAA FOCUS, equity